Boston – For 40 years, Yves Lewis, owner and producer of the WildCubby Music record has worked successfully in the music business. He released a new single, I Can’t Breathe, featuring Seychelle Elise.
The single comes after the release of his debut 14-track album, Dreams are for Living, on January 2020.
Inspired by his lived experiences and the protests that have erupted around the world in reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd, I Can’t Breathe is a beautiful song and ardent call to action.
Lewis is passionate when explaining what led him to releasing the song, I Can’t Breathe.
“Being able to live my own dream of writing and making music after 40 years of hoping that one day I would get the chance to make my own album made me contemplate all the dreams and hopes that went unrealized by the people who have lost their lives at the hands of a racial injustice. Young, old, men and women, so many have had their lives cut short and never got the chance to live the lives they dreamt of having. I had to stand up and add my voice to the chorus and say ‘enough is enough : Black lives matter!’”
Yves’ first album, “Dreams are for living”, honors many black musical traditions. “Un Ti Bo”, one of Yves favorite releases, is sung in French Creole. Other tracks honor both his father and his love of reggae music as well as the Caribbean-based zouk musical tradition. Two of Yves’ songs, “Rum and Rain” and “I’m in love with the Music”, which has racked up thousands of views on YouTube, are Soca songs, a musical style with Trinidadian roots.
“I moved to the United States to pursue my dreams of being a singer-songwriter as well as a music producer and record label owner. While I love my new home and the chance it has given me to realize my goals, I am equally proud of my roots and of the musical traditions that have allowed the black community to express themselves for hundreds of years. Now is the time for us all to come together and use whatever skills and talent we have to call for action”.