Reggae Films in the Park, a signature event series on the Reggae Month 2020 calendar, will be showcasing a free film-screening of the Jamaican music documentary Inna De Yard, the Soul of Jamaica, at the Emancipation Park in Kingston, this Friday, February 21, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Officially released in the summer of 2019, Inna De Yard, the Soul of Jamaica, highlights some of Reggae’s elder statesmen, who recall moving and inspiring personal stories throughout their careers, starting from a time when Reggae was fresh and the music stood for something.
Directed by British filmmaker Peter Webber, Inna de Yard features legendary Reggae artists including Ken Boothe, Winston McAnuff, Cedric Myton, Kiddus I and Judy Mowatt, who perform acoustic versions of some of their hit songs and share views on what makes Reggae and Jamaican culture great.
The film also features members of reggae’s newest generation, including local artistes Jah9 and Winston McAnuff’s son, Kush.
“Inna Di Yard highlights the importance and the foundation of Reggae music. It excellently showcases both the original and the newest generation of Reggae artistes in one inspirational and uplifting package,” said Barbara Blake-Hannah, Cultural Liaison in the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport.
“It is essential that a culture as vibrant as ours be documented, as our intangible heritage is priceless, and documentaries like these will allow for both current and future generations to appreciate how far Reggae music is coming from, while looking ahead to where it is going,” Blake-Hannah continued.
The film’s director, Webber, whose credits also include the Oscar-nominated film Girl with a Pearl Earring, met the featured musicians three years ago while they were recording Inna de Yard, an album for a French company, Chapter Two Records. He was so taken with the music and their recollections that he decided to document his interviews.
Inna de Yard has been shown throughout Europe; in Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, France, as well as Australia, New York, South Korea Cancun, and Mexico.
Friday’s hosting of Reggae Films in the Park will also feature the screening of the short animated film Abeeku and the Maroons, directed by Jamaican Kevin Jackson.
Free WiFi will also be available to the public at the Emancipation Park courtesy of the Universal Service Fund (USF).